SCRAnalysis carries out various activities centering on its objectives and goal. Some of the major activities are; Research and Analysis; Video Documentary, Translation; Training and Facilitation; Publication; Documentation and Archive, and Dissemination and Sharing.
We focus our activities to record the intangible heritage, and oral stories, and maintain a digital archive. The research work that we carry is not only merely the fact collection, but it is an analysis based on historical and contemporary issues and predict the future. We translate different documents from one language to another. Video is much more powerful; thus, we try to record most of our work in video as far as possible. Training and facilitation is a significant component of an organization. We carry out both long and short term training targetting different stakeholders.
We are not limited to certain specific activities; instead, our activities vary based on the need within the scope of an organization. Currently, we are focusing on the following actions.

Research and Analysis
SCRAnalysis carries out in-depth research on diverse socio-cultural incidence and issues. It also studies people, place, and practices. The research…

Video Documentary
The power of video is certain, thus considering the fact, video documentary is the major component of our work. SCRAnalysis…

The expert team of SCRAnalysis and its associates translates different historical and contemporary documents into different languages. Currently, SCRAnalysis has…

Training & Facilitation
SCRAnalysis organizes both short-term and long term training and facilitation courses on various subjects/topics. It is targetted to youths and…

SCRAnalysis publishes both our work as well as others work in diverse forms; book, article, newsletter. We also re-produce the…

Documentation & Archive
We believe that we are the result of the past and future is determined by the present. Thus, it is…

Dissemination and Sharing
SCRAnalysis disseminate and share not only our work but also associated work of others in different places and programs. The…