Ms. Bom Kumari Budha

Ms. Bom Kumari Budha as a person with a personality. She was born in 1956 in Rolpa. She is involved in Nepali politics since her adolescence. Due to her contribution, she had been a member of Rastriya Panchayat. Since then, she has contributed a lot for bringing social changes in entire indigenous people’s communities, including, but not only limited to the Magar community. Beyond that, she has contributed to a various organization being as an activist, member. These are only a few things that are publically known about her.

Most importantly, people only know about her achievement, but the broader public is unaware of her hardship in life. Her story will be the inspiring one for each individual who is trying to know what marginalization is? How the society or indigenous people’s communities are lacking behind from the mainstream. She is among the rare living individual who can share not only her story but also the time that she lived. Thus, we planned to document the story of Ms. Bom Kumari Budha both in writing and video.