Gérard Toffin
Gérard Toffin, anthropologist and ethnologist, is presently emeritus Research Director at CNRS (National Centre for Scientific Research), France. He graduated from Sorbonne University and EHESS, Paris.
He arrived in Kathmandu on June 1970 and served for one year and a half as Cultural Attaché in the French Embassy and Professor of French in Darbar School, Ranipokhari. Since 1971, Prof. Dr. Toffin has been engaged in research in Nepalese anthropology, especially among Newars of the Kathmandu Valley, but also among Tamangs and Paharis (Pahi). His books include Panauti (1981) Société et religion chez les Néwar du Népal (1984), Newar Society, City, Village and Periphery (2007), Imagination and Realities, Nepal between Past and Present (2016). He is presently engaged in a research program on Newar living theatre and dance. In 2013, he received Nai Derukh International Award (Nai Prakashan) in Kathmandu for his contribution to the study of Nepali culture and society.